The Central Crater, probably formed during the great eruption of 1669 on the ruins of another pre-existing cone, consists of a 500 m diameter mouth at the centre of a 250 m high cone. Observing Etna from the sea or from the coast, from the foot of its oriental flank,...01.09.2021
Faszinierende Eindrücke vom höchsten aktiven Vulkan Europas Zwischen Meer und Schnee – 1800 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel, fernab von Stadtverkehr und Strandpromenade und dennoch so nah. Der Ätna wurde im Jahr 2020, meinem ersten Jahr auf Sizilien, zu meinem...07.08.2021
Sicilian cuisine is the result of a mixture of different influences from the many cultures that inhabited the island over time. It’s all in the mix What reaches our plates today is coming from very different civilities and times, and made our gastronomy...15.07.2021
Or: Why the Catanese invented ice cream. If you follow our blog carefully, you will already know how lava tubes are formed during a volcanic eruption. This time we want to tell you what it looks like inside these underground caves and what strange things have already...24.06.2021
The world’s second most active volcano shows us its vehemence: in 2004, a new summit crater is formed which is already history by 2021. We could say that, just as the beginning of the activity in 1971 was characterised by a collapse on the eastern flank of the...22.06.2021
Von 1 auf 4 Krater in nur 100 Jahren Der Ätna ist der größte aktive Vulkan Europas, mit einer vulkanischen Oberfläche von 1250 Quadratkilometern und einem Durchmesser von 45 km von Ost nach West und von sogar 65 km von Nord nach Süd. Der Vulkan hat eine einzigartige...