Home 9 Helicopter Transfer Sicily

Helicopter Transfer Sicily

Helicopter transfer to and from Sicily

Helicopter Transfer Sicily

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filicudi g0d2f87914 640

Helicopter transfer from Fiumefreddo to Filicudi

Cost: €2,500 plus Luxury tax & landing fee
Duration: 75′
Ticket: Outbound flight
Return flight possible

salina gb0bf5c3b6 640

Helicopter transfer from Fiumefreddo to Salina

Cost: €2,500 plus Luxury tax & landing fee
Duration: 65′
Ticket: Outbound flight
Return flight possible

volcano g9d1f90d12 640

Helicopter transfer from Fiumefreddo to Vulcano

Cost: €2,300 plus Luxury tax, no landing fee
Duration: 50′
Ticket: Outbound flight
Return flight possible

panarea g539d27b5c 640

Helicopter transfer from Fiumefreddo to Panarea

Cost: €2,500 plus Luxury tax & landing fee
Duration: 65′
Ticket: Outbound flight
Return flight possible

lipari g7d8e1215a 640

Helicopter transfer from Fiumefreddo to Lipari

Cost: €2400 plus Luxury tax & no landing fee
Duration: 60′
Ticket: Outbound flight
Return flight possible

flying g187f99108 640

Helicopter Transfer from Fiumefreddo to Sicilia Outlet Village

Costs: 2050 € plus Luxury tax & no landing fee
Duration: 50′
Ticket: Outbound flight
Return flight possible

flying g187f99108 640

Helicopter transfer from Fiumefreddo to Verdura

Costs: 4000 € plus Luxury tax & landing fee
Ticket: Outbound flight
Return flight possible

club med gb15261e41 1920

Helicopter transfer from Fiumefreddo to Club Med

Costs: 2050 € plus Luxury tax & no landing fee
Ticket: Outbound flight
Return flight possible

palermo gab69b5254 1920

Hubschrauber Transfer von Fiumefreddo nach Palermo

Costs: 4000 € plus Luxury tax & landing fee
Ticket: Outbound flight
Return flight possible

Or request a quote for a different helicopter transfer route

Prices are estimated and will be considered from the start. Landing fee and luxury tax must be applied.

More Helicopter Transfer Routes

Catania to Palermo | €3780 | 54′

Catania to Panarea | €2800 | 40′

Catania to Agrigento | €3010 | 43′

Catania to Naples | €8400 | 120′

Catania to Cagliari | €12,600 | 180′

Catania to Porto Cervo | €14,000 | 200′

Palermo to Positano | €6650 | 95′

Palermo to Capri | €6300 | 90′

Palermo to Amalfi | €6720 | 96′

Palermo to Sciacca | €1750 | 25′

Palermo to Taormina | €3850 | 55′

Palermo to Panarea | €3640 | 52′

Palermo to Catania | €3850 | 55′

Palermo to Naples | €7350 | 105′

Palermo to Cagliari | €8820 | 126′

Palermo to Rome | €9660 | 138′

Palermo to Reggio Calabria | €4480 | 64′

Palermo to Aeolian Island | €3500 | 50′

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1-5 persons
0,00 €
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